There is more to you than appears on the surface. You know that, but the world may not see it yet. We can be well-connected and still feel isolated and alone; trapped in a world of surface impressions, superficial interactions, and shallow relationships. How can we live more freely, love more fully, and see more clearly all that lies hidden beneath the surface within ourselves?
– Justin Osterman, Founder Breaking the Surface™
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“In preparing your heart go deep.”
— Tao-te-Ching
The wisest spiritual teaching tells us to know our limitations and embrace our powerlessness over most of what happens in life. By learning to relax into the present moment, practice mindful breathing, stop worrying, move carefully, look, listen, and try to do no harm, we begin to feel our deep connection with the world. I do all these things when I dive.
– Justin Osterman

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